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2018年09月01日 How to mount .vmdk from Linux host [長年日記]

_ VMwareホスト(Linux)で .vmdk(仮想ディスクイメージ)を直接マウントする方法



$ vmware-mount
VMware DiskMount Utility version 6.0.0, build-7535481

Usage: vmware-mount diskPath [partition num] mountPoint
       vmware-mount [option] [opt args]

There are two modes for mounting disks.  If no option is
specified, we mount individual partitions from virtual disks
independently.  The filesystem on the partition will be
accessible at the mount point specified.

The -f option mounts a flat representation of a disk on a
user-specified mount point.  The user must explicitly unmount
the disk when finished.  A disk may not be in both modes at once.

Options: -p <diskID>      list all partitions on a disk
         -l <diskID>      list all mounted partitions on a disk
         -L               list all mounted disks
         -d <mountPoint>  cleanly unmount this partition
                          (closes disk if it is the last partition)
         -f <diskPath> <mountPoint> mount a flat representation of the disk
                          at "mountPoint/flat."
         -k <diskID>      unmount all partitions and close disk
         -K <diskID>      force unmount all partitions and close disk
         -x               unmount all partitions and close all disks
         -X               force unmount all partitions and close all disks
         -r               mount the disk or partition read-only
         -o               comma-separated list of options to be passed
                          to the 'mount' when mounting a partition