2017年10月08日 llvm-3.9 or later was required to build firefox-56 on Slackware-14.2 [長年日記]
_ I had to do version up llvm-3.8 to llvm-3.9.1 to build firefox-56.0.1
_ required sources
_ llvm.Slackbuild
_ Build
# sh llvm.SlackBuild
2017年10月20日 Using named pipe with PowerShell [長年日記]
_ `echo' Server
$shutdown = $false while (-not $shutdown){ $pipe = New-Object System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeServerStream "NamedPipeForEcho",InOut $pipe.WaitForConnection() $buf = New-Object byte[] 1024 $loop = $true while($loop) { try { $len = $pipe.Read($buf, 0, $buf.Length) $cmd = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString($buf, 0, $len) if($cmd -match '^exit|^quit|^shutdown') { $loop = $false if($cmd -match '^shutdown') { $shutdown = $true } } else { $wb = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($cmd) $pipe.Write($wb, 0, $wb.Length) } }catch{ $loop = $false } } $pipe.Close() }
_ Client
$pipe = New-Object System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream ".", "NamedPipeForEcho",InOut $pipe.Connect() $buf = New-Object byte[] 1024 $wb = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes("Hello, world.") $pipe.Write($wb, 0, $wb.Length) $len = $pipe.Read($buf, 0, $buf.Length) [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString($buf, 0, $len) $wb = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes("exit") $pipe.Write($wb, 0, $wb.Length) #$wb = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes("shutdown") #$pipe.Write($wb, 0, $wb.Length)
2017年10月27日 powershell server and client [長年日記]
_ psserver.ps1
# # ex. psserver.ps1 12345 "^192\.168\.0\.[0-9][0-9]*$" # # schtasks /create /s _IP_ /u _DOMAIN_\administrator /p _ADMIN_PASSWORD_ /ru _DOMAIN_\administrator /rp _ADMIN_PASSWORD_ /sc onstart /tn "_TITLE_" /tr "'powershell' '-NoProfile' '-ExecutionPolicy' 'Unrestricted' '-File' 'C:\temp\psserver.ps1' '12345' '^127\.0\.0\.1$|^192\.168\.0\.[0-9][0-9]*$'" /rl HIGHEST /f # #------------------------------------------------------------ # Argument #------------------------------------------------------------ $port = $args[0] $allowip = $args[1] #------------------------------------------------------------ # Function #------------------------------------------------------------ # # return: line data for success # $null for failure # Function readLine($rd){ try { $line = $reader.readLine() }catch{ $line = $null } return $line } # # return: $true for success # $false for failure # Function writeLine($wd, $line){ $stat = $true try { $wd.writeLine($line) $wd.Flush() }catch{ $stat = $false } return $stat } # # return: $true for success # $false for failure # Function runAndReturnResalt($wd, $cmd){ $stat = $true try { Invoke-Expression $cmd | Out-String -stream | Foreach-Object { $res = $_ -replace " *$", "" if ((writeLine $wd (":"+ $res)) -eq $false){ $stat = $false break } } }catch{ $stat = $false } return $stat } #------------------------------------------------------------ # Main procedure #------------------------------------------------------------ $endpoint = New-Object System.Net.IPEndPoint([System.Net.IPAddress]::Any, $port) $server = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener $endpoint $server.start() $shutdown = $false while (-not $shutdown){ $client = $server.AcceptTcpClient() if ($client.Client.RemoteEndPoint.Address.IPAddressToString -match $allowip){ $stream = $client.GetStream() $reader = New-Object IO.StreamReader($stream,[Text.Encoding]::Default) $writer = New-Object IO.StreamWriter($stream,[Text.Encoding]::Default) while (($line = readLine $reader) -ne $null -and (-not $shutdown)){ if ($line -match "^@shutdown$"){ $shutdown = $true }else{ if ((runAndReturnResalt $writer $line) -ne $true){ $stat = writeLine $writer ("Failed : " + $line) } } $stat = writeLine $writer "__END__" } $writer.Close() $reader.Close() $stream.Close() $client.Close() $writer = $null $reader = $null $stream = $null $client = $null }else{ $client.Close() $client = $null } } $server.stop()
_ psclient.ps1
# # ex. psclient.ps1 12345 "dir *.txt" # #------------------------------------------------------------ # Argument #------------------------------------------------------------ $addr = $args[0] $port = $args[1] $cmd = $args[2] #------------------------------------------------------------ # Functions #------------------------------------------------------------ # # return: line data for success # $null for failure # Function readLine($rd){ try { $line = $reader.readLine() }catch{ $line = $null } return $line } # # return: $true for success # $false for failure # Function writeLine($wd, $line){ $stat = $true try { $wd.writeLine($line) $wd.Flush() }catch{ $stat = $false } return $stat } #------------------------------------------------------------ # Main procedure #------------------------------------------------------------ $client = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient ($addr, $port) $stream = $client.GetStream() $reader = New-Object IO.StreamReader($stream,[Text.Encoding]::Default) $writer = New-Object IO.StreamWriter($stream,[Text.Encoding]::Default) $stat = writeLine $writer $cmd $line = readLine $reader while ($line -ne $null -and $line -ne "__END__"){ $line -replace "^:", "" $line = readLine $reader } $writer.Close() $reader.Close() $stream.Close() $client.Close()