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Masa's blog


2012年09月13日 Install of xfce-4.10 [長年日記]

_ How to install xfce-4.10 on Slackware-13.37 :)

$ mkdir xfce
$ cd xfce
$ tar xvjf xfce-4.10.tar.bz2
$ cd src
$ mkdir OK
$ for i in *tar.bz2; do (tar xvjf $i && cd `basename $i .tar.bz2` && ./configure && make && sudo make install && sudo /sbin/ldconfig -v && cd .. && mv $i OK/); done

Repeate above `for loop' till all .tar.gz would be gone into `OK' directory :)

$ cd ..
$ rm -fr xfce

How to run xfce-4.10

$ startxfce4

You can put startxfce4 into ~/.xinitrc to replacing old window manager :)

How to make own application menu

I feel default application menu is too much for me. In that menu, there are many applications which I never use or I'm not sure about. So, I'm going to make simple application menu for me by myself :)

I copied default application menu under home directory and I started to edit it.

cp /usr/local/etc/xdg/menus/xfce-applications.menu ~/.config/menus/

This is simplest structure for application menu that I think :)

<!DOCTYPE Menu PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD Menu 1.0//EN"



        <All/> <!-- I don't need to control category. always include ALL :) -->


            <All/> <!-- I don't need to control category. always include ALL :) -->



You should also make simple .desktop file under ~/.local/share/applications. You can copy some .desktop file as sample from /usr/local/share/applications/ etc.

cp /usr/local/share/applications/exo-terminal-emulator.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/rxvt.desktop

For example, edited simple rxvt.desktop is like this...

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=rxvt -ls
Name=Terminal Emulator(rxvt)
Comment=Use the command line

It's enough to work fine, even next simplest one :P

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=rxvt -ls
Name=Terminal Emulator(rxvt)

You can get new menu item by adding <Filename>...</Filename> tag and new submenu by adding <Menuname>...</Menuname> tag :)