2009年03月13日 ruby(1.8.x)儂(わし)的解釈によるメモ
_ ruby(1.8.x)儂(わし)的解釈によるメモ(基本編)
#! /usr/bin/ruby #
# p ARGV puts "1個目の引数 = #{ARGV[0]}" puts "2個目の引数 = #{ARGV[1]}" puts "3個目の引数 = #{ARGV[2]}" puts "引数の個数 = #{ARGV.size}"
["aaa", "bbb"] 1個目の引数 = aaa 2個目の引数 = bbb 3個目の引数 = 引数の個数 = 2
ワーク(文字列, 数値)
# work = "abcdef" puts "work = #{work}" puts "work[2] = #{work[2]}" puts "work[2].chr = #{work[2].chr}" puts "work[2..3] = #{work[2..3]}" puts "work[2,3] = #{work[2,3]}" work = 12345 puts "work = #{work}" puts "== work is #{work} ==" puts '== work is #{work} =='
work = abcdef work[2] = 99 work[2].chr = c work[2..3] = cd work[2,3] = cde work = 12345 == work is 12345 == == work is #{work} ==
# work = [] work = ["aaa", 12345, "ccc", 23456, "eee", 34567] work2 = ["AAA", 54321, "ccc", 23456, "EEE", 76543] p work p work2 puts "work[0] = #{work[0]}" puts "work[1] = #{work[1]}" puts "work[2] = #{work[2]}" puts "work[3] = #{work[3]}" puts "work[4] = #{work[4]}" puts "work[5] = #{work[5]}" puts "work.size = #{work.size}" puts "work[2..3] = #{work[2..3]}" puts "work[2,3] = #{work[2,3]}" puts "work & work2 = #{work & work2}" puts "work | work2 = #{work | work2}" puts "work + work2 = #{work + work2}" puts "work - work2 = #{work - work2}"
["aaa", 12345, "ccc", 23456, "eee", 34567] ["AAA", 54321, "ccc", 23456, "EEE", 76543] work[0] = aaa work[1] = 12345 work[2] = ccc work[3] = 23456 work[4] = eee work[5] = 34567 work.size = 6 work[2..3] = ccc23456 work[2,3] = ccc23456eee work & work2 = ccc23456 work | work2 = aaa12345ccc23456eee34567AAA54321EEE76543 work + work2 = aaa12345ccc23456eee34567AAA54321ccc23456EEE76543 work - work2 = aaa12345eee34567
# work = {} work['apple'] = "red" work['lemon'] = "yellow" work['melon'] = "green" p work puts "work['apple'] = #{work['apple']}" puts "work['lemon'] = #{work['lemon']}" puts "work['melon'] = #{work['melon']}" work2 = {"apple", "red", "lemon", "yellow", "melon", "green"} p work2 puts "work2['apple'] = #{work2['apple']}" puts "work2['lemon'] = #{work2['lemon']}" puts "work2['melon'] = #{work2['melon']}" work3 = {"apple" => "red", "lemon" => "yellow", "melon" => "green"} p work3 puts "work3['apple'] = #{work3['apple']}" puts "work3['lemon'] = #{work3['lemon']}" puts "work3['melon'] = #{work3['melon']}"
{"apple"=>"red", "melon"=>"green", "lemon"=>"yellow"} work['apple'] = red work['lemon'] = yellow work['melon'] = green {"apple"=>"red", "melon"=>"green", "lemon"=>"yellow"} work2['apple'] = red work2['lemon'] = yellow work2['melon'] = green {"apple"=>"red", "melon"=>"green", "lemon"=>"yellow"} work3['apple'] = red work3['lemon'] = yellow work3['melon'] = green
# work = {"apple" => "red", "lemon" => "yellow", "melon" => "green"} #if (work['lemon'] == "red") #if (work['lemon'] != "red") #if (work['lemon'] > "red") #if (work['lemon'] <"red") #if (work['lemon'] >= "red") #if (work['lemon'] <= "red") if (work['lemon'] == "red") puts "lemon is red" elsif (work['lemon'] == "yellow") puts "lemon is yellow" else puts "lemon is not red and yellow" end
lemon is yellow
# work = {"apple" => "red", "lemon" => "yellow", "melon" => "green"} if (/^y.*w$/ =~ work['lemon']) puts "lemon is y.*w" else puts "lemon is not y.*w" end
lemon is y.*w
# work = {"apple" => "red", "lemon" => "yellow", "melon" => "green"} case work['lemon'] when "red" puts "lemon is red" when "yellow" puts "lemon is yellow" else puts "lemon is not red and yellow" end
lemon is yellow
# work = ["melon", "lemon", "apple"] i = 0 while (i < 3) if (work[i] == "apple") # next # redo break end puts work[i] i += 1 end
melon lemon
# work = ["melon", "lemon", "apple"] #for i in work for i in work.sort puts i end
apple lemon melon
# work = ["melon", "lemon", "apple"] for i in 0..2 puts work[i] end
melon lemon apple
# work = ["melon", "lemon", "apple"] work.each do |i| puts i end
melon lemon apple
# work = {"melon", "green", "lemon", "yellow", "apple", "red"} #for i in work.keys for i in work.keys.sort puts work[i] end
red yellow green
# work = {"melon" => "green", "lemon" => "yellow", "apple" => "red"} work.each do |key, val| puts key + "=" + val end
apple=red lemon=yellow melon=green
# work = "ABCDEFG" puts "work = #{work}" puts "work.tr('C-E', 'c-e') = #{work.tr('C-E', 'c-e')}"
work = ABCDEFG work.tr('C-E', 'c-e') = ABcdeFG
# work = "ABCDEFG" puts "work = #{work}" puts "work.gsub(/C.*E/, 'cde') = #{work.gsub(/C.*E/, 'cde')}"
work = ABCDEFG work.gsub(/C.*E/, 'cde') = ABcdeFG
# work = "ABCDEFG" puts "work = #{work}" puts "work.gsub(/(C.*E)/){'==' + $1 + '=='} = #{work.gsub(/(C.*E)/){'==' + $1 + '=='}}"
work = ABCDEFG work.gsub(/(C.*E)/){'==' + $1 + '=='} = AB==CDE==FG
# work = "%41%42%43+%44%45%46" puts "work(URL encoded) = #{work}" work = work.tr("+", " ") work = work.gsub(/%([0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z])/){$1.hex.chr} puts "work(URL decoded) = #{work}"
work(URL encoded) = %41%42%43+%44%45%46 work(URL decoded) = ABC DEF
gsub文に関して追記 2009.04.07
(a, b) = "aaa=".split("=") b.gsub("bbb", "")
./test.rb:?: private method `gsub' called for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
(a, b) = "aaa=".split("=") b.to_s.gsub("bbb", "")
# work = "apple-=-lemon-=-melon-=-orange" puts "work = #{work}" work2 = work.split('-=-') puts "work2 = work.split('-=-')" puts "work2[0] = #{work2[0]}" puts "work2[1] = #{work2[1]}" puts "work2[2] = #{work2[2]}" puts "work2[3] = #{work2[3]}"
work = apple-=-lemon-=-melon-=-orange work2 = work.split('-=-') work2[0] = apple work2[1] = lemon work2[2] = melon work2[3] = orange
# work = "apple-=-lemon-=-melon-=-orange" puts "work = #{work}" (var1, var2, var3) = work.split("-=-", 3) puts "(var1, var2, var3) = work.split('-=-', 3)" puts "var1 = #{var1}" puts "var2 = #{var2}" puts "var3 = #{var3}"
work = apple-=-lemon-=-melon-=-orange (var1, var2, var3) = work.split('-=-', 3) var1 = apple var2 = lemon var3 = melon-=-orange
length, index, rindex文(文字列長、位置取得)
# work = "apple apple apple" puts "work = #{work}" puts "work.length = #{work.length}" puts "work.index('apple') = #{work.index('apple')}" puts "work.rindex('apple') = #{work.rindex('apple')}"
work = apple apple apple work.length = 17 work.index('apple') = 0 work.rindex('apple') = 12
# works = "123" puts "works = #{works}(is string)" puts "works.to_i * 10 = #{works.to_i * 10}" puts "works.to_f * 10 = #{works.to_f * 10}" puts "works.to_f.to_s + works.to_f.to_s = #{works.to_f.to_s + works.to_f.to_s}"
works = 123(is string) works.to_i * 10 = 1230 works.to_f * 10 = 1230.0 works.to_f.to_s + works.to_f.to_s = 123.0123.0
# f = open("junk.txt", "w") f.puts("line1") f.puts("line2\n") f.puts("line3\n\n") f.close
# f = open("junk2.txt", "w") f.write("line1") f.write("line2\n") f.write("line3\n\n") f.close
ファイル(行読み込み:gets from puts)
# f = open("junk.txt", "r") while (r = f.gets) p r p r.chomp r.chomp! p r end f.close
"line1\n" "line1" "line1" "line2\n" "line2" "line2" "line3\n" "line3" "line3" "\n" "" ""
ファイル(行読み込み:gets from write)
# f = open("junk2.txt", "r") while (r = f.gets) p r p r.chomp r.chomp! p r end f.close
"line1line2\n" "line1line2" "line1line2" "line3\n" "line3" "line3" "\n" "" ""
# f = open("junk.txt", "r") #f.seek(6) f.pos = 6 r = f.read(12) p r f.close
# work = "line1\nline2\nline3\n" f = open("junk.txt", "w") for i in 0..(work.length-1) f.putc(work[i]) end f.close
ファイル(行読み込み:getc from putc)
# f = open("junk.txt", "r") while (ch = f.getc) print " #{ch.chr}" end f.close
l i n e 1 l i n e 2 l i n e 3
r = STDIN.gets
# f = open("|ls -al|head -5", "r") while (r = f.gets) puts "==" + r.chomp + "==" end f.close
==合計 40== ==drwxr-xr-x 2 m-ito m-ito 4096 2009-03-13 19:45 .== ==drwxr-xr-x 3 m-ito m-ito 4096 2009-03-13 18:24 ..== ==-rw-r--r-- 1 m-ito m-ito 2896 2009-03-13 19:45 junk== ==-rw-r--r-- 1 m-ito m-ito 18 2009-03-13 19:45 junk.txt==
# for i in `ls -al|head -5` puts "==" + i.chomp + "==" end
==合計 40== ==drwxr-xr-x 2 m-ito m-ito 4096 2009-03-13 19:45 .== ==drwxr-xr-x 3 m-ito m-ito 4096 2009-03-13 18:24 ..== ==-rw-r--r-- 1 m-ito m-ito 2896 2009-03-13 19:45 junk== ==-rw-r--r-- 1 m-ito m-ito 18 2009-03-13 19:45 junk.txt==
追記(2011/07/04) : ruby-1.9.xだと(Stringクラスからeachメソッドが削除されたので?)上記の書き方はできない。以下のようにする。
# `ls -al|head -5`.each_line do |i| puts "==" + i.chomp + "==" end
#! /usr/bin/ruby io = IO.popen("cat -n", "r+") io.puts("line1") io.puts("line2") io.puts("line3") ##io.flush # flushをするのが確実。 io.close_write # ただし、起動プログラムの作りによるとclose_writeする必要がある。 r = io.gets puts r r = io.gets puts r r = io.gets puts r io.close
1 line1 2 line2 3 line3
# system("ls -al|head -5")
合計 40 drwxr-xr-x 2 m-ito m-ito 4096 2009-03-13 19:45 . drwxr-xr-x 3 m-ito m-ito 4096 2009-03-13 18:24 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 m-ito m-ito 3657 2009-03-13 19:45 junk -rw-r--r-- 1 m-ito m-ito 18 2009-03-13 19:45 junk.txt
# work = "ABCDEFG" p work puts work print work + "\n" printf("%s %d %f\n", work, 123, 123.456)
begin エラーを検出したい処理 rescue => e エラー検出時のトラップ処理 put e else エラー未検出時の処理 ensure エラーの検出のいかんにかかわらず行う処理 end
begin エラーを検出したい処理 rescue Errno::EEXIST => e エラー検出時のトラップ処理 put e else エラー未検出時の処理 ensure エラーの検出のいかんにかかわらず行う処理 end
# File.umask(022) File.chmod(0777, "junk.txt") File.rename("junk.txt", "junk3.txt") File.unlink("junk2.txt") File.unlink("junk3.txt")
mkdir, rmdir(ディレクトリ操作)
# retry_max = 3 retry_cnt = 0 begin Dir.mkdir("lock.dir", 0755) rescue Errno::EEXIST puts "lock NG" retry_cnt += 1 if (retry_cnt < retry_max) retry else puts "lock give up!" end else puts "lock OK" ensure Dir.rmdir("lock.dir") end
lock OK
# def myfunc(v1="defval1", v2="defval2") local_work = "initialized in myfunc" puts "$Global_work = #{$Global_work}" puts v1 puts v2 return "ok" end $Global_work = "initialized in main" local_work = "initialized in main" puts myfunc() puts myfunc("poipoi", "hogehoge") puts "local_work = #{local_work}"
$Global_work = initialized in main defval1 defval2 ok $Global_work = initialized in main poipoi hogehoge ok local_work = initialized in main
# class Enzan attr_accessor :x, :y attr_reader :x_readonly, :y_readonly attr_writer :x_writeonly, :y_writeonly def initialize(i=100, j=200) @x = i @y = j end def tasu @@global_in_class_work = @x + @y return @x + @y end def hiku @@global_in_class_work = @x - @y return @x - @y end def compute(i) case i when "+" @@global_in_class_work = @x + @y return @x + @y when "-" @@global_in_class_work = @x - @y return @x - @y else return 0 end end def global_in_class_work return @@global_in_class_work end end e = Enzan.new puts e.tasu puts e.hiku puts e.compute("+") f = Enzan.new(10, 20) puts f.tasu puts f.hiku puts f.compute("+") f.x = 1000.0 f.y = 2000.0 puts f.tasu puts f.hiku puts f.compute("-") puts e.global_in_class_work
300 -100 300 30 -10 30 3000.0 -1000.0 -1000.0 -1000.0
# class Oya def msg1(arg = "Oya.msg1") puts arg + " from Oya.msg1" end def msg2(arg = "Oya.msg2") puts arg + " from Oya.msg2" end end class Kodomo < Oya def msg2(arg = "Kodomo.msg2") super(arg) puts arg + " from Kodomo.msg2" end def msg3(arg = "Kodomo.msg3") puts arg + " from Kodomo.msg3" end end msg = Kodomo.new msg.msg1("message 1") msg.msg2("message 2") msg.msg3("message 3")
message 1 from Oya.msg1 message 2 from Oya.msg2 message 2 from Kodomo.msg2 message 3 from Kodomo.msg3
# puts ENV['PATH']
# day = Time.now puts day puts day.year puts day.month puts day.day puts day.hour puts day.min puts day.sec puts day.wday
Fri Mar 13 19:45:44 +0900 2009 2009 3 13 19 45 44 5
# begin Process.kill("TERM", 1234) rescue Errno::ESRCH puts "no such process" else puts "signal send ok" ensure end my_pid = $$ begin Process.kill(0, my_pid) rescue Errno::ESRCH puts "pid(#{my_pid}) is dead" else puts "pid(#{my_pid}) is alive" ensure end
no such process pid(3544) is alive
# require "nkf" puts NKF.nkf("-S -X -e", "\x8a\xbf\x8e\x9a\x82\xc5\x82\xb7")
# require "timeout" begin timeout(3){ sleep 10 } rescue Timeout::Error puts "timeout happened!" else puts "10sec sleepd" ensure end
timeout happened!
# def hoge(arg1, arg2) puts "arg1=#{arg1}, arg2=#{arg2}" yield(arg1, arg2, arg1 * arg2) end hoge(12,13) do |v1, v2, v3| puts "v1=#{v1}, v2=#{v2}, v3=#{v3}" end
arg1=12, arg2=13 v1=12, v2=13, v3=156
_ ruby(1.8.x)儂(わし)的解釈によるメモ(クライアント編)
#! /usr/bin/ruby require "socket" s = TCPSocket.new("localhost", 12345) s.sync = true s.puts "#{ARGV[0]}" print s.gets s.puts "Q"
_ ruby(1.8.x)儂(わし)的解釈によるメモ(サーバ編)
#! /usr/bin/ruby require 'socket' def daemon # # バックグラウンドに移行する # プロセスグループリーダ(、セッションリーダ)でなくなる -> 次のsetsidが成功する条件 # 制御端末はまだ持っている if (pid = fork) exit 0 end # # 新しいセッションのリーダとなり制御端末を持たなくなる # 新しいプロセスグループのリーダとなる Process.setsid # # セッションリーダ、プロセスグループリーダでなくなる # よって、再び制御端末を持つ事ができなくなる if (pid = fork) exit 0 end # Dir.chdir("/") File.umask(0000) STDIN.close STDOUT.close STDERR.close Signal.trap("SIGTERM"){ exit 0 } Signal.trap("SIGHUP"){ exit 0 } Signal.trap("SIGINT"){ exit 0 } end daemon port = 12345 gs = TCPServer.open(port) while true ns = gs.accept # p ns.peeraddr Thread.start(ns) do |s| s.sync = true while l = s.gets break if /^q/i =~ l l.chomp! s.puts "#{l.swapcase}" end s.close end end
_ ruby(1.8.x)儂(わし)的解釈によるメモ(基本編の追加編)
3.times do |i| puts i end
0 1 2
1.step(10, 3) do |i| puts i end
1 4 7 10
i = 0 loop do puts i i += 1 if (i > 3) break end end
0 1 2 3
module Mymodule def msg(i) puts "#{i} is hogehoge" end def msg2(i) puts "#{i} is poipoi" end module_function :msg, :msg2 end class Myclass include Mymodule def initialize(i) @msg = i end def hoge msg(@msg) end def poi msg2(@msg) end end mc = Myclass.new("hogepoi") mc.hoge mc.poi
hogepoi is hogehoge hogepoi is poipoi
演算式(余り:%, べき乗:**)
puts 12 % 5 puts 2 ** 8
2 256
a = 0 printf("%d\n", ~a) a = 0x77 b = 0xee printf("%x\n", a & b) a = 0x77 b = 0xee printf("%x\n", a | b) a = 0x77 b = 0xee printf("%x\n", a ^ b) a = 0x77 printf("%x\n", a << 1) a = 0xee printf("%x\n", a >> 1)
-1 66 ff 99 ee 77
a = 10 b = 20 if (a < 15 && b > 15) puts "true" else puts "false" end if (a < 15 || b < 15) puts "true" else puts "false" end
true true
a = ["w", "x", "y", "z"] a[1, 2] = ["a", "b"] p a
["w", "a", "b", "z"]
a = ["w", "x", "y", "z"] a[1, 0] = ["a", "b"] p a
["w", "a", "b", "x", "y", "z"]
a = ["w", "x", "y", "z"] a.push("a") p a
["w", "x", "y", "z", "a"]
p a.pop p a
"a" ["w", "x", "y", "z"]
p a.shift p a
"w" ["x", "y", "z"]
a = ["a", "x", "b", "x", "c"] a.delete("x") p a
["a", "b", "c"]
a = ["a", "x", "b", "x", "c"] a.delete_at(2) p a
["a", "x", "x", "c"]
a = ["a", "x", "b", "x", "c"] p a.uniq
["a", "x", "b", "c"]
p "aaa" <=> "bbb" p "bbb" <=> "aaa" p "aaa" <=> "aaa" p a.sort do |a, b| a <=> b end
-1 1 0 ["a", "b", "c", "x", "x"]
s = "aaaaa" puts %Q{" ' #{s} ' "} puts %q{" ' #{s} ' "}
" ' aaaaa ' " " ' #{s} ' "
s = <<EOD this is line1 this is line2 this is line3 EOD puts s
this is line1 this is line2 this is line3
a = " ABcdefgabcdeFG " puts a.delete("cde") puts a.strip puts a.upcase puts a.downcase puts a.swapcase
ABfgabFG ABcdefgabcdeFG ABCDEFGABCDEFG abcdefgabcdefg abCDEFGABCDEfg
h = {"apple"=>"red", "lemon"=>"yellow", "melon"=>"green"} p h.has_key?("lemon") p h.has_value?("yellow") p h.empty?
true true false
h = {"apple"=>"red", "lemon"=>"yellow", "melon"=>"green"} i = h h.clear p h p i
{} {}
h = {"apple"=>"red", "lemon"=>"yellow", "melon"=>"green"} i = h h = {} p h p i
{} {"melon"=>"green", "apple"=>"red", "lemon"=>"yellow"}
a = "abcde\nfghijk\nlmnop" p /^f.*k$/ =~ a p /\Af.*k\Z/ =~ a p /^a.*p$/ =~ a p /\Aa.*p\Z/m =~ a
6 nil nil 0
a = "axxxb...ayyyb...azzzb" a.scan(/a...b/) do |i| puts i end
axxxb ayyyb azzzb
STDOUT.puts "aaa" STDOUT.flush STDOUT.sync = true STDOUT.puts "bbb"
aaa bbb
puts cd = Dir.pwd Dir.chdir("/tmp") puts Dir.pwd Dir.chdir(cd) puts Dir.pwd
/home/zaurus/tmp /tmp /home/zaurus/tmp
dir = Dir.open("/") while (name = dir.read) puts name end dir.close
. .. bin dev etc lib mnt opt tmp var usr boot home proc sbin root
printf("%o\n", File.stat("/etc/fstab").mode) puts File.stat("/etc/fstab").uid puts File.stat("/etc/fstab").gid puts File.stat("/etc/fstab").size puts File.stat("/etc/fstab").atime puts File.stat("/etc/fstab").mtime puts File.stat("/etc/fstab").ctime
100644 0 0 222 Sun Nov 11 23:30:54 +0900 2007 Sun Nov 11 23:30:54 +0900 2007 Sun Nov 11 23:30:54 +0900 2007
f = open("junk.txt", "w") f.close puts atime = File.stat("junk.txt").atime puts mtime = File.stat("junk.txt").mtime File.utime(atime + 60, mtime + 60, "junk.txt") puts atime = File.stat("junk.txt").atime puts mtime = File.stat("junk.txt").mtime File.unlink("junk.txt")
Sat Mar 14 18:53:35 +0900 2009 Sat Mar 14 18:53:35 +0900 2009 Sat Mar 14 18:54:35 +0900 2009 Sat Mar 14 18:54:35 +0900 2009
#f = open("junk.txt", "w") #f.close #File.chown(0, 0, "junk.txt") #File.unlink("junk.txt")
puts File.exist?("/etc/fstab") puts File.file?("/etc/fstab") puts File.directory?("/etc/fstab") puts File.readable?("/etc/fstab") puts File.writable?("/etc/fstab") puts File.executable?("/etc/fstab") puts File.zero?("/etc/fstab") puts File.size("/etc/fstab")
true true false true false false false 222
puts File.basename("/usr/local/doc/ruby.doc", ".doc") puts File.dirname("/usr/local/doc/ruby.doc") puts File.expand_path("./junk.txt")
ruby /usr/local/doc /home/root/usr/local/home/zaurus/tmp/junk.txt
#! /usr/bin/ruby def func_print(str) print str end eval_str = ARGV[0] + '("hello world\n")' eval eval_str
$ ./evaltest.rb func_print hello world
_ ruby(1.8.x)儂(わし)的解釈によるメモ(CGI編)
#! /usr/bin/ruby # # 産まれて初めてのrubyによるCGIプログラム... # require "cgi" require "nkf" cgi = CGI.new("html3") in1 = NKF.nkf("-X -e", cgi['in1']) cgi.out({"type" => "text/html", "charset" => "euc-jp"}){ cgi.html("PRETTY" => true){ cgi.head(){ cgi.title(){"rubytest1"} } cgi.body(){ cgi.div({"align" => "center"}){ "rubytest1" } + CGI.escapeHTML("Input is #{in1}") + cgi.br() + cgi.form({"action" => "rubytest1.cgi", "method" => "post"}){ cgi.input({"type" => "text", "name" => "in1", "id" => "in1"}) + cgi.input({"type" => "submit", "value" => "ok"}) } } } } exit 0
_ ruby(1.8.x)儂(わし)的解釈によるメモ(未検証)
pack, unpack
arry = [0x41, 0x42, 0x43] # A,B,C buf = arry.pack("C3") p buf
buf = sock.read(4) arry = buf.unpack("N") # Network byte order Integer(BIG ENDIAN) p arry[0]