2009年07月06日 myh.no-ip.org(libretto 100) linux- Version UP
_ myh.no-ip.org(libretto 100) linux- Version UP
サーバ(myh.no-ip.org on Libretto 100)のカーネルをlinux-にバージョンアップ。すると以前から出ていた
request_module[net-pf-10]: waitpid(3788,...) failed, errno 1
2012年07月06日 cacaview for w3m
_ cacaview for w3m
#! /bin/sh file=`file $1` if [ "X`echo ${file}|egrep ' GIF '`" != "X" ] then cat $1 |\ giftopnm |\ ppmtobmp >/tmp/cacaview.sh.$$.tmp elif [ "X`echo ${file}|egrep ' JPEG '`" != "X" ] then cat $1 |\ jpegtopnm |\ ppmtobmp >/tmp/cacaview.sh.$$.tmp elif [ "X`echo ${file}|egrep ' PNG '`" != "X" ] then cat $1 |\ pngtopnm |\ ppmtobmp >/tmp/cacaview.sh.$$.tmp fi cacaview /tmp/cacaview.sh.$$.tmp rm -f /tmp/cacaview.sh.$$.tmp
You may think that I had better to use convert to change some image format to BMP, but BMP file which is created by convert is not recognized by cacaview :(
I'm not sure why...
image/*; cacaview.sh %s ;needsterminal
type "I" to see image on link.