トップ «前の日(06-17) 最新 次の日(06-19)» 追記

Masa's blog


2009年06月18日 request_module[net-pf-10]: waitpid(3788,...) failed, errno 1 (その6)

_ request_module[net-pf-10]: waitpid(3788,...) failed, errno 1 (その6)

request_module[net-pf-10]: waitpid(3788,...) failed, errno 1

の errno 1 は /usr/include/asm/errno.h より

#define EPERM            1      /* Operation not permitted */

を表していると思っていた。ところが /usr/src/linux/kernel/kmod.c より

  178  int request_module(const char * module_name)
  179  {
  180          pid_t pid;
  181          int waitpid_result;
  182          sigset_t tmpsig;
  183          int i;
  184          static atomic_t kmod_concurrent = ATOMIC_INIT(0);
  185  #define MAX_KMOD_CONCURRENT 50  /* Completely arbitrary value - KAO */
  186          static int kmod_loop_msg;
  188          /* Don't allow request_module() before the root fs is mounted!  */
  189          if ( ! current->fs->root ) {
  190                  printk(KERN_ERR "request_module[%s]: Root fs not mounted\n",
  191                          module_name);
  192                  return -EPERM;
  193          }
  195          /* If modprobe needs a service that is in a module, we get a recursive
  196           * loop.  Limit the number of running kmod threads to max_threads/2 or
  197           * MAX_KMOD_CONCURRENT, whichever is the smaller.  A cleaner method
  198           * would be to run the parents of this process, counting how many times
  199           * kmod was invoked.  That would mean accessing the internals of the
  200           * process tables to get the command line, proc_pid_cmdline is static
  201           * and it is not worth changing the proc code just to handle this case.
  202           * KAO.
  203           */
  204          i = max_threads/2;
  205          if (i > MAX_KMOD_CONCURRENT)
  206                  i = MAX_KMOD_CONCURRENT;
  207          atomic_inc(&kmod_concurrent);
  208          if (atomic_read(&kmod_concurrent) > i) {
  209                  if (kmod_loop_msg++ < 5)
  210                          printk(KERN_ERR
  211                                 "kmod: runaway modprobe loop assumed and stopped\n");
  212                  atomic_dec(&kmod_concurrent);
  213                  return -ENOMEM;
  214          }
  216          pid = kernel_thread(exec_modprobe, (void*) module_name, 0);
  217          if (pid < 0) {
  218                  printk(KERN_ERR "request_module[%s]: fork failed, errno %d\n", module_name, -pid);
  219                  atomic_dec(&kmod_concurrent);
  220                  return pid;
  221          }
  223          /* Block everything but SIGKILL/SIGSTOP */
  224          spin_lock_irq(&current->sigmask_lock);
  225          tmpsig = current->blocked;
  226          siginitsetinv(&current->blocked, sigmask(SIGKILL) | sigmask(SIGSTOP));
  227          recalc_sigpending(current);
  228          spin_unlock_irq(&current->sigmask_lock);
  230          waitpid_result = waitpid(pid, NULL, __WCLONE);
  231          atomic_dec(&kmod_concurrent);
  233          /* Allow signals again.. */
  234          spin_lock_irq(&current->sigmask_lock);
  235          current->blocked = tmpsig;
  236          recalc_sigpending(current);
  237          spin_unlock_irq(&current->sigmask_lock);
  239          if (waitpid_result != pid) {
  240                  printk(KERN_ERR "request_module[%s]: waitpid(%d,...) failed, errno %d\n",
  241                         module_name, pid, -waitpid_result);
  242          }
  243          return 0;
  244  }

240行〜241行が問題のエラーメッセージを出しているところなのだが、errnoに該当するのは -waitpid_result で、これは230行の waitpidのリターン値(-1)を符号反転したものに過ぎない。waitpidのリターン値が-1なのは単に「エラーで返ったよ」の印に過ぎず、真のエラーコードは errno に格納されているはず。なので、

  239          if (waitpid_result != pid) {
  240  #if 0
  241                  printk(KERN_ERR "request_module[%s]: waitpid(%d,...) failed, errno %d\n",
  242                         module_name, pid, -waitpid_result);
  243  #else
  244                  printk(KERN_ERR "request_module[%s]: waitpid(%d,...) failed, errno %d realerrno %d\n",
  245                         module_name, pid, -waitpid_result, errno);
  246  #endif
  247          }


_ request_module[net-pf-10]: waitpid(3788,...) failed, errno 1 (その7)

本当の errno は

ECHILD 10 /* No child processes */



*** kernel/kmod.c.ORG   2009-06-18 01:09:00.000000000 +0900
--- kernel/kmod.c       2009-06-18 09:56:55.000000000 +0900
*** 237,244 ****
--- 237,251 ----

        if (waitpid_result != pid) {
+ #if 0
                printk(KERN_ERR "request_module[%s]: waitpid(%d,...) failed, errno %d\n",
                       module_name, pid, -waitpid_result);
+ #else
+               if (errno != ECHILD){
+                       printk(KERN_ERR "request_module[%s]: waitpid(%d,...) failed, errno %d realerrno %d\n",
+                              module_name, pid, -waitpid_result, errno);
+               }
+ #endif
        return 0;


2023年06月18日 mplayerでdvd-videoをメニュー再生およびマウス操作する方法

mplayer -mouse-movements  dvdnav:// -dvd-device /dev/dvd1

_ キーボードでの操作方法

keypad 8
    Select button up.
keypad 2
    Select button down.
keypad 4
    Select button left.
keypad 6
    Select button right.
keypad 5
    Return to main menu.
keypad 7
    Return to nearest menu (the order of preference is: chapter->title->root).
keypad ENTER
    Confirm choice.

(The following keys are used for controlling TV teletext. The data may come from either an analog TV source or an MPEG transport stream.)

    Switch teletext on/off.
Q and W
    Go to next/prev teletext page.

_ powershellでPUA、サロゲートペア、IVSを含んだ文字列を操作するサンプル


function getLength($string){
	$count = 0
	for ($i = 0; $i -lt $s.length; $i++){
		if ([int][char]$s[$i] -ge 0xd800 -and [int][char]$s[$i] -le 0xdbff){
			if ([int][char]$s[$i] -eq 0xdb40){
#				IVS H
#				SURR H
		}elseif ([int][char]$s[$i] -ge 0xdc00 -and [int][char]$s[$i] -le 0xdfff){
			if ([int][char]$s[$i] -ge 0xdd00 -and [int][char]$s[$i] -le 0xddef){
#				IVS L
#				SURR L
#			BMP
	return $count

function getCharByIndex($string, $index){
	$out = ""
	$windex = -1
	for ($i = 0; $i -lt $s.length; $i++){
		if ([int][char]$s[$i] -ge 0xd800 -and [int][char]$s[$i] -le 0xdbff){
			if ([int][char]$s[$i] -eq 0xdb40){
#				IVS H
#				SURR H
		}elseif ([int][char]$s[$i] -ge 0xdc00 -and [int][char]$s[$i] -le 0xdfff){
			if ([int][char]$s[$i] -ge 0xdd00 -and [int][char]$s[$i] -le 0xddef){
#				IVS L
#				SURR L
#			BMP
		if ($windex -eq $index){
			$out = $s[$i]
			if ([int][char]$s[$i] -ge 0xd800 -and [int][char]$s[$i] -le 0xdbff){
				if ([int][char]$s[$i] -eq 0xdb40){
#					IVS H
#					SURR H
					$out += $s[$i]	# add SURR L
			if ([int][char]$s[$i + 1] -eq 0xdb40){
#				IVS H
				$out += $s[$i]	# add IVS H
				$out += $s[$i]	# add IVS L
	return $out

function getSubString($string, $index, $length){
	$out = ""
	for ($i = $index; $i -lt ($index + $length); $i++){
		$out += (getCharByIndex $string $i)
	return $out

$s = "a漢𠮷辻󠄀b"
echo ("文字列:" + $s)
echo ("文字数:" + (getLength $s))
echo ("0文字目:" + (getCharByIndex $s 0))
echo ("1文字目(BMP):" + (getCharByIndex $s 1))
echo ("2文字目(PUA):" + (getCharByIndex $s 2))
echo ("3文字目(surrogate):" + (getCharByIndex $s 3))
echo ("4文字目(BMP+IVS):" + (getCharByIndex $s 4))
echo ("2文字目から3文字分:" + (getSubString $s 2 3))


PS C:\Users\USER\Desktop\PowerShell> .\SampleString.ps1
PS C:\Users\USER\Desktop\PowerShell>