2009年06月04日 request_module[net-pf-10]: waitpid(3788,...) failed, errno 1 (その2)
_ request_module[net-pf-10]: waitpid(3788,...) failed, errno 1 (その2)
カーネル再構築でもメッセージは消えなかった。その後 /etc/modprobe.conf に
install ipv6 /sbin/modprobe -n -i ipv6
_ sendmailに関係する?
その後、/var/log/messagesと/var/log/syslogを同時にtail -fで表示させて観察していると、どうやら外部からメールが到着してsendmailにキックがかかると、上記のエラーが発生しているらしいことを発見した。
2017年06月04日 Version up php-5.5.11 to php-7.1.5
_ Version up php-5.5.11 to php-7.1.5
$ tar xvf php-7.1.5.tar.bz2 $ cd php-7.1.5 $ cat ../php-7.1.5.diff | patch -p0
*** ./configure.ORG 2017-06-04 10:50:30.000000000 +0900 --- ./configure 2017-06-04 10:55:11.000000000 +0900 *************** *** 79826,79832 **** ac_fn_c_check_decl "$LINENO" "isnan" "ac_cv_have_decl_isnan" "#include <math.h> " if test "x$ac_cv_have_decl_isnan" = xyes; then : ! ac_have_decl=1 else ac_have_decl=0 fi --- 79826,79832 ---- ac_fn_c_check_decl "$LINENO" "isnan" "ac_cv_have_decl_isnan" "#include <math.h> " if test "x$ac_cv_have_decl_isnan" = xyes; then : ! ac_have_decl=0 else ac_have_decl=0 fi *************** *** 79837,79843 **** ac_fn_c_check_decl "$LINENO" "isinf" "ac_cv_have_decl_isinf" "#include <math.h> " if test "x$ac_cv_have_decl_isinf" = xyes; then : ! ac_have_decl=1 else ac_have_decl=0 fi --- 79837,79843 ---- ac_fn_c_check_decl "$LINENO" "isinf" "ac_cv_have_decl_isinf" "#include <math.h> " if test "x$ac_cv_have_decl_isinf" = xyes; then : ! ac_have_decl=0 else ac_have_decl=0 fi *************** *** 95505,95511 **** ac_fn_c_check_decl "$LINENO" "isfinite" "ac_cv_have_decl_isfinite" "#include <math.h> " if test "x$ac_cv_have_decl_isfinite" = xyes; then : ! ac_have_decl=1 else ac_have_decl=0 fi --- 95505,95511 ---- ac_fn_c_check_decl "$LINENO" "isfinite" "ac_cv_have_decl_isfinite" "#include <math.h> " if test "x$ac_cv_have_decl_isfinite" = xyes; then : ! ac_have_decl=0 else ac_have_decl=0 fi *************** *** 95516,95522 **** ac_fn_c_check_decl "$LINENO" "isnan" "ac_cv_have_decl_isnan" "#include <math.h> " if test "x$ac_cv_have_decl_isnan" = xyes; then : ! ac_have_decl=1 else ac_have_decl=0 fi --- 95516,95522 ---- ac_fn_c_check_decl "$LINENO" "isnan" "ac_cv_have_decl_isnan" "#include <math.h> " if test "x$ac_cv_have_decl_isnan" = xyes; then : ! ac_have_decl=0 else ac_have_decl=0 fi *************** *** 95527,95533 **** ac_fn_c_check_decl "$LINENO" "isinf" "ac_cv_have_decl_isinf" "#include <math.h> " if test "x$ac_cv_have_decl_isinf" = xyes; then : ! ac_have_decl=1 else ac_have_decl=0 fi --- 95527,95533 ---- ac_fn_c_check_decl "$LINENO" "isinf" "ac_cv_have_decl_isinf" "#include <math.h> " if test "x$ac_cv_have_decl_isinf" = xyes; then : ! ac_have_decl=0 else ac_have_decl=0 fi
$ ./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs --with-mysqli=mysqlnd --with-gd --with-zlib --with-bz2 --with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl $ make $ su # make install && ldconfig # cp php.ini-development /usr/local/lib/php7.ini # vim /usr/local/lib/php7.ini # cd /usr/local/lib # rm php.ini # ln -s php7.ini php.ini
_ After install php-7, apache got segfault
I have to remove line for old php5.
#DEL_LoadModule php5_module modules/libphp5.so LoadModule php7_module modules/libphp7.so
2020年06月04日 Shell script to convert nega film to posi
_ nega2posi.sh - ネガフィルム画像をポジ画像に変換するシェルスクリプト(のつもり)
#! /bin/sh trap "rm /tmp/nega2posi.$$.*.tmp.*; exit 1" INT TERM # if [ "X$1" = "X-h" -o "X$1" = "X--help" ] then echo "Usage: $0 [-b X,Y] [-aw | -w X,Y] [-i input] [-o output]" echo "Convert input(nega film) to output(posi)." echo "" echo "-b X,Y Specify position of black." echo "-aw Adjust white balance automatically." echo "-w X,Y Specify position of white and adjust white balance." echo "-i input If this option is omitted or - is specified, stdin is assumed." echo "-o output If this option is omitted or - is specified, stdout is assumed." exit 0 fi # AutoWhiteSw="n" white="" black="" input="-" output="-" # while [ $# -ne 0 ] do case $1 in -aw) AutoWhiteSw="y" ;; -w) shift white=`echo $1 |\ tr ',' '+'` ;; -b) shift black=`echo $1 |\ tr ',' '+'` ;; -i) shift input="$1" ;; -o) shift output="$1" ;; esac shift done # if [ "X${black}" = "X" ] then convert ${input} txt: >/tmp/nega2posi.$$.3.tmp.txt darkestXYC=`cat /tmp/nega2posi.$$.3.tmp.txt |\ egrep -v '^#' |\ tr ',:()' ' ' |\ tr -s ' ' |\ awk 'BEGIN{ FS=" "; } { printf("%d %d %d\n",$1,$2,($3+$4+$4)); } END{ }' |\ sort -t ' ' -k 3,3nr |\ head -1` x=`echo ${darkestXYC} | cut -d ' ' -f 1` y=`echo ${darkestXYC} | cut -d ' ' -f 2` black="${x}+${y}" fi # if [ "X${AutoWhiteSw}" = "Xy" ] then if [ ! -r /tmp/nega2posi.$$.3.tmp.txt ] then convert ${input} txt: >/tmp/nega2posi.$$.3.tmp.txt fi brightestXYC=`cat /tmp/nega2posi.$$.3.tmp.txt |\ egrep -v '^#' |\ tr ',:()' ' ' |\ tr -s ' ' |\ awk 'BEGIN{ FS=" "; } { printf("%d %d %d\n",$1,$2,($3+$4+$4)); } END{ }' |\ sort -t ' ' -k 3,3n |\ head -1` x=`echo ${brightestXYC} | cut -d ' ' -f 1` y=`echo ${brightestXYC} | cut -d ' ' -f 2` white="${x}+${y}" fi # convert +repage ${input} /tmp/nega2posi.$$.1.tmp.png size=`convert /tmp/nega2posi.$$.1.tmp.png -format "%wx%h" info:` convert +repage /tmp/nega2posi.$$.1.tmp.png -crop 1x1+${black} -resize ${size}! -negate -strip /tmp/nega2posi.$$.2.tmp.png convert +repage /tmp/nega2posi.$$.1.tmp.png /tmp/nega2posi.$$.2.tmp.png \ -compose blend -composite -negate -equalize /tmp/nega2posi.$$.4.tmp.png # -compose blend -composite -negate -auto-level ${output} # -compose blend -composite -negate -normalize ${output} # if [ "X${white}" = "X" ] then convert +repage /tmp/nega2posi.$$.4.tmp.png ${output} else convert +repage /tmp/nega2posi.$$.4.tmp.png -crop 1x1+${white} -resize ${size}! -negate -strip /tmp/nega2posi.$$.5.tmp.png convert +repage /tmp/nega2posi.$$.4.tmp.png /tmp/nega2posi.$$.5.tmp.png \ -compose blend -composite -equalize ${output} # -compose blend -composite -auto-level ${output} # -compose blend -composite -normalize ${output} fi # rm /tmp/nega2posi.$$.*.tmp.*